ELIZABETH STROUT at her Pop-Up Book Group for OLIVE, AGAIN
Ever wish you could sit down for a talk with your favorite author?
A unique opportunity to meet a favorite author in a relaxed setting, Pop-Up Book Groups are typically hosted in private homes in Manhattan (and simultaneously over Zoom.) Limited in size so that real conversation can take place. We set the author, book, date and time. You register ($40 in person/$25 online), buy the book and start reading! We'll email you the address or Zoom link about a week before the book group. Come with lots of questions for the author!
Fall Schedule of 8-10 Pop-Up Book Groups announced each August
Spring Schedule of 8-10 Pop-Up Book Groups announced each January
For many years, I ran a “Meet the Author” book group in Princeton, New Jersey. Every month, the author of each monthly selection (a novel, a memoir, a biography or a work of non-fiction) would join our twenty-five members in my living room, explaining how his or her book came into being and what twists and turns it encountered along the way. The conversations were funny, sad, surprising and illuminating, and members of the group walked away each month with a deepened understanding of writing in general and that month’s selection in particular…(not to mention a signed copy). When I moved to New York City in 2013, I created BOOKTHEWRITER to bring the “Meet the Author” experience to readers in my hometown. Hosted in private homes in Manhattan, we are currently in-person and simultaneously online.
It's been a thrill to watch fans meet the writers they've long admired, to discover new favorites, and to hear the stories behind so many great books. Attending a Pop-Up Book Group with the author changes the book group experience utterly. It’s no wonder we now have a devoted core of attendees, with new book lovers joining us every month.
You can read about our currently scheduled Pop-Ups here, and sign up for our mailing list to be informed when new Pop-Ups are scheduled.
We look forward to seeing you at a Pop-Up Book Group.
Jean Hanff Korelitz
We have a No Refund policy because it’s often impossible to fill vacancies at the last minute, even if there’s a waitlist for the event. If you can’t make it, feel free to offer your place to a friend. Otherwise, it may sometimes be possible to transfer your ticket to an upcoming BOOKTHEWRITER event.
Are you in a book group? BOOKTHEWRITER can create a literary experience for your group that is truly special by sending an author to join your conversation. Contact popupbookgroup@gmail.com for more information.
““Pop-Up Book Groups are like no other book group you’ve ever attended! You gain amazing perspectives by listening to a book’s author, understanding what was going on in his/her head. You get the story behind the story.””
“I relished the experience of listening to a published author describe the process of writing a book from start to finish, from conception to execution to promotion. I definitely plan to attend future Pop-Up Book Groups.” ”
Photos from our past Pop-Up Book Groups...

Our Pop-Up Book Group with Julianna Margulies (“Sunshine Girl”)